Nava Mukunda Temple Thirunavaya – Malappuram – Kerala – India

Tirunavaya Temple is a historically significant ancient Hindu temple on the banks of the River Bharata dedicated to Nava Mukundan Vishnu with the other deities like Ganesha, and Lakshmi. It is located near the ancient Hindu pilgrimage centre of Tirunavaya, a village 8 km south of Tirur in the Malappuram district of Kerala state, India. The temple was the traditional venue for the historic ritual of the Mamankam festival, an enactment of traditional martial arts by suicide squads. It was originally called Navayogisthala and which later became Thirunavya. It is interesting that the image of Nava Mukundan is portrayed only from above the knee, the rest of the image being concealed within the ground.