Jog Falls

Mawina Gundi is the nearest bus stop to Jog, located at a distance of 40 km from the city of Karnataka in India. Jog falls is 3, k and m away from Mavina Gundi. The Jog Falls is a spectacular view of the Sharavathi River, which falls from the Ambu Theertham in the village of Theerthahalli, more than 400 km from Bangalore. Amazing waterfall in India. This waterfall has many points of view which are visible in its many forms. One of the key point of view of this is the Vaccine Platform. One has to climb a thousand feet above the waterfall and enjoy the beauty of the place. This climb is not trivial. The jog is a place of adventure and is surrounded by lush green forests and wildlife. During the year, there is no access to the bottom of the falls. The season is from August to December. Some of the other attractions of the region are the dense forests around Jog, the Sharavathi valley and the golden river.