Pazhukkamandapam Located near famous Thirunavaya temple, this mandapam is the place where the kings and queen of were seated to view the Mamankam festival.
Pazhukkamandapam Located near famous Thirunavaya temple, this mandapam is the place where the kings and queen of were seated to view the Mamankam festival.
Nilapaduthara one of the prominent monument of Mamankam festival lies in the premises of Kodakkal tile factory.Nilapaduthara was renovated and restored its lost glory under the Nila tourism project with the support of archaeology department .Nilapaduthara is a monument notified as a valuable part of the worlds cultural heritage.This is a sort of place where […]
If the suicide squads kill Samoothiri, the right of Vellaattiri would be re-established. The Samoothiri was well protected by more than thousand soldiers. Chavers or suicide warriors fought until death , .their dead bodies are believed to be laid in Manikkinar and elephants pressed the mass of carcasses there The manikkinar can be located a […]